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Here Are Six Ways To Pull Off a Romantic Weekend in Nigeria

RibbonsXP Team

Nigerian men have been consistently dragged by the beard on social media for being manifestly unable to express affection or exhibit romantic behavior”. They are accused of not hyping photos properly when the women who love them send those jpegs, and the ones above 30 have been frequently berated for dozing off right in the middle of movie dates. As a matter of fact, it has been argued that Nigerian men are “genetically incapable” of pulling a Ryan Gosling (a la The Notebook), or a Leonardo DiCaprio (per Titanic).

To be fair though, how many men will choose to swim in icy water to prove their love? Throw in the challenges of Nigerian daily life – heavy Lagos traffic, hustle for that daily 2k, the constant reminder of Sapa – and the thought of romance immediately flies out the window.

However, pulling off a movie-like romantic evening with your partner in Nigeria is not entirely impossible. In fact, you don’t have to break the bank for a beautiful weekend with your significant other. If your definition of a romantic weekend is a visit to the cinema or an evening with movies indoors, or “come over so we can cook”, then come with us, let’s show you something that will switch up your (hitherto) drab existence.

1. Go To The Spa With Your Partner

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Going to the spa isn’t for women alone. Interestingly, this is one of the best ways to relax and chill with your partner after a busy week. Get that body massage, partake in Yoga activities together if available, and see how this quickly helps you bond with your partner on an entirely different level. If you want to go the extra length, you can take manicure and pedicure treatments as a couple. In fact, you can take a bubble bath together with scented candles and a bottle of champagne.

A day in the spa won’t necessarily dig a hole in your pocket; there are a number of cost-effective spas out there begging for your patronage. You can even call for home service and some of the country’s finest masseurs will work those joints of yours: Duna Massage runs an effective mobile massage service across the country. So, get to it; few things are more exciting than a relaxing evening with that one person you love most in the world.

2. Enjoy A Romantic Dinner Together

RibbonsXP is a one-stop shop to discover and book amazing activities, tours, and more for couples in Africa. 
                We curate quality experiences, display them beautifully, and make them bookable online.
                Whether they’re a pair of adventurers or a duo of culinary creatives, there’s something suited to every taste.
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Sometimes, we fall out of love because we fail to do all the beautiful things we did at the start of a relationship. Dinners aren’t just for special occasions; they should be a regular feature in your shared life together. Spice things up this weekend by planning a dinner with boo of life. Get dressed, wear your most expensive perfume, and act like you are trying to win your lover’s heart once again. Book a table at an exquisite restaurant with candles and the complete works, talk about how it all started, fall in love all over again. Venues like Churrasco, which overlooks the seaside at Victoria Island in Lagos, help with the right ambience. Best if you spring it up as a surprise.

3. Plan A Getaway Weekend

RibbonsXP is a one-stop shop to discover and book amazing activities, tours, and more for couples in Africa. 
                We curate quality experiences, display them beautifully, and make them bookable online.
                Whether they’re a pair of adventurers or a duo of culinary creatives, there’s something suited to every taste.
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A getaway weekend is a popular option among Nigerian couples, but its popularity doesn’t make it less enjoyable. There are tons of serviced apartments around the country, all located in strategic locations. Be sure to pick a location that has fun activities you’d like to engage in as a couple. It could be close to a cinema, an amusement park, a resort center, a club, or even a beach. You can also visit a hotel or a resort; the Whispering Palms Resort in Lagos is a great start. There is also Tarkwa Bay on Lagos Island if you don’t mind a 25-minute boat ride.

Do something new. Dance in the dark. Chase each other while hurling beach sand. Go on long walks together… but remember that Nigeria could be volatile in terms of security, so look over your shoulders from time to time.

4. Go On A Road Trip

RibbonsXP is a one-stop shop to discover and book amazing activities, tours, and more for couples in Africa. 
                We curate quality experiences, display them beautifully, and make them bookable online.
                Whether they’re a pair of adventurers or a duo of culinary creatives, there’s something suited to every taste.
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A road trip in Nigeria is not impossible. Yes, interstate travel is a gamble these days, but you don’t have to leave your city to complete a road trip: cities like Ibadan, Calabar, Lagos, and Abuja are big enough to keep you driving for the whole day. Taking a road trip with your partner is one of the best ways to enjoy a romantic weekend together; visit new fun spots, try out new meals together, snack in the car like children, and shuffle the auxiliary cord while singing along to the music playing like it’s James Corden’s Carpool Karaoke.

This is also a great option if Sapa has had you on the counter-attack lately: it’s a lot cheaper than a candle-lit dinner, so, what’s not to love?

Pro-tip: If your city is traffic-laden like Lagos, choose your routes wisely. You don’t want to be stuck in gridlock by 2.00 am.

5. Enjoy A Quiet Weekend Indoors With Your Partner

RibbonsXP is a one-stop shop to discover and book amazing activities, tours, and more for couples in Africa. 
                We curate quality experiences, display them beautifully, and make them bookable online.
                Whether they’re a pair of adventurers or a duo of culinary creatives, there’s something suited to every taste.
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If you and your partner are introverts who don’t mind seeing out the weekend with just movies, music, and slow dancing in the dark, then this is the option for you. However, to forestall anything that remotely hints at boredom, make a list of fun activities for the entire weekend. Here are a few ideas:

👋 Listen to your favorite songs together and enjoy a mock karaoke session
👋 Write a bucket list together
👋 Dance slowly to romantic songs. (Not to worry, here’s a playlist for you.)
👋 Give each other oily massages. You can use candles and indie music to set the mood.
👋 Read books or poems together…if you’re into the arts, that is.
👋 Draw up a list of romantic movies to watch. Nollywood has got tons of them: Kambili, Finding Hubby and Small Chops are few examples of light-hearted romcoms.
👋 Order pizza and exotic wine

Sounds good? Start making plans then! Don’t be restricted by the collective forces of laziness and/or lack of time. Maybe this is that push that your relationship needs…or not.

6. Mix Things Up

RibbonsXP is a one-stop shop to discover and book amazing activities, tours, and more for couples in Africa. 
                We curate quality experiences, display them beautifully, and make them bookable online.
                Whether they’re a pair of adventurers or a duo of culinary creatives, there’s something suited to every taste.
                Get started today on | powered by JoyRibbons

What’s the ultimate romantic idea? A combination of two or more of the aforementioned! You could plan a road trip, slot in a surprise dinner, and end the night with romantic movies. You could get a massage together, then dinner, and music to end the night. Let your creativity go wild. Understand your partner, find out what works for them, and like mixing cocktails, try out different combinations to boost your love life.

Most importantly, don’t try to be Ryan Gosling or Brad Pitt; just be yourself. You won their heart, now is the time to remind your partner that you don’t want to lose them. Also, if you are outside the door of their heart and you are trying to get in, this is how to be intentional about it.

For the aggressively single, let your hair down. Slide into that DM, ask someone out on a date this weekend. Chill, take a deep breath and allow someone to soften you up. Don’t be a stubborn he-goat. Bless you.

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